Whole Athlete integrates Chiropractic and Sports Therapy to identify the source of injury and create a comprehensive treatment plan to help you not only recover, but help reduce the risk of future injury.


Techniques include: Extremity Adjustments, Diversified, Thompson Drop Table, Activator Technique, Cox Flexion-Distraction Technique, Global Mechanical Assessment, and Webster Technique


Dr. Sam uses manual and tool assisted soft tissue mobilization, as well as cupping, to work on fascial adhesions, restore range of motion, and improve function.


To help athletes recover from the demands of training, Dr. Sam uses air compression boots and red light therapy to reduce inflammation and increase the body’s ability to repair muscle post-exercise.


Sports rehabilitation + corrective exercise protocols are used to restore basic function to an injured area. Core stability training, active stretch techniques, and muscle activation techniques can manage your injury and improve your ability to move through your day to day life.


High level performance demands an additional level of care and evaluation. Whole Athlete Sports Performance caters to elite athletes and individuals training for a specific event or fitness goal.


Therapeutic Modalities in office include Shockwave Therapy and Dry Needling. Used to treat difficult injuries such as, tendinopathies, deep muscular strains, trigger points, and bone contusions.



Techniques include: Diversified, Thompson Drop Table, Activator Technique, Cox Flexion-Distraction Technique, Global Mechanical Assessment, and Webster Technique.

Cox Flexion-Distraction Technique

This chiropractic method has been proven to reduce the symptoms associated with low back or neck pain. Especially effective with radiating pain, this gentle technique allows Dr. Sam to treat difficult disc injuries.

Extremity Adjustments

Dr. Sam is a certified Chiropractic Extremities Practitioner, allowing him to further correct misalignments, looking beyond the spine for causes of pain or injury. Common extremity adjustments include shoulders, ankles, hips, and wrists.​

Certified Chiropractic Sports Practitioner

Dr. Sam has an additional accreditation as a Certified Chiropractic Sports Practitioner, CCSP. This post graduate training and certification provides advanced understanding in sports medicine and injury management. Sports chiropractic is beneficial not only for elite athletes, but the techniques and principles used can help all patients on their road to recovery.

Sports Rehabilitation

Sports rehabilitation and therapy exercise protocols are used to restore basic function to an injured area. Core stability training, active stretch techniques, and muscle activation techniques can manage your injury and improve your ability to move through your day to day life.

Tool Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization

Dr. Sam is certified in Graston technique, which aids in the breakdown of scar tissue and fascial adhesions to improve function and range of motion. Similar to myofascial release, but with the use of a small instrument to apply pressure to the tissue.​

Shockwave Therapy/MyACT

Shockwave Therapy uses the Myofascial Acoustic Compression Therapy device to send sound waves into injured tissue causing cells to vibrate and spark a healing response. This tool can speed up healing times on long term injuries.​

Red Light Therapy

Using red and near infrared light directed at injured tissues to activate mitochondria and promote healing at a cellular level. Working in specific frequencies to reduce nerve symptoms, manage pain, and boost circulation.

Dry Needling + ESTIM

Dr. Sam is certified in dry needling, a modality that uses acupuncture needles to stimulate trigger points in the muscle. Used in conjunction with ESTIM, this allows for a decrease in muscle tension and pain.

Cupping Therapy

Cupping Therapy has been used for thousands of years to relieve pain and reduce inflammation. This technique can be done either as a static or active application, both providing suction in the cups to lift the skin fascia and change the blood flow and fascial tension in the area of application.​


Dr. Sam uses kinesiology tape to supplement many of his soft tissue treatments and help support the injured area. Kinesiology-Tape lifts the skin and fascia to allow for faster recovery from soft tissue injuries, as well as increase muscular endurance.​

Corrective Exercises

A progression of exercises designed to improve strength, balance, and flexibility. Given to a patient and reviewed in office, continued application of these exercises at home help reduce the risk of future injury.​

Myofascial Release

Manual Myofascial Release helps to decrease muscle tension and change the tone of the muscle and fascia. This hands-on deep tissue technique involves applying pressure to connective and muscle tissue to restore motion and flexibility in the area.​

Active Stretching Techniques

Whole Athlete uses a variety of active stretching techniques to improve range of motion and flexibility. Post Isometric Relaxation, Fascial Stretch Technique, and Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation are proven techniques to change the length and tone of muscle fibers.

Compression Boots/Sleeves

Leg boots or arm sleeves that are designed with pressure chambers that inflate in a pattern, working to improve lymphatic drainage and speed up recovery by moving lactic acid out of the affected area. ​

Functional Movement Screening

A specific exam in which the doctor walks a patient through a series of seven specific motions to reveal poor movement patterns or imbalances. A simple scoring system provides feedback on each motion to reveal which movements need improvement. This helps the practitioner assess whether an athlete is at risk for injury.​

Sports Performance

High level performance demands an additional level of care and evaluation. Whole Athlete Sports Performance caters to elite athletes and individuals training for a specific event or fitness goal. Dr. Sam can collaborate with coaches, trainers, and other providers on your care team to make sure our treatment fits in with your season goals.

Concierge Chiropractic

Dr. Sam is available for on-site sports therapy, please contact our office for more details.


Treat injuries, reveal imbalances, and rebuild a foundation for correct movement at Whole Athlete

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